Make a difference in Manchester
When you join us, you’re joining a team of over 7,000 council staff helping to make our ambition for Manchester a reality. That vision belongs to the whole city: so you’ll work together with our residents, public, private, voluntary and community organisations, to put Manchester in the top-flight of world cities.
Together, you’ll help build a Manchester that’s fairer for everyone who lives, works, volunteers, studies or plays here. To make that happen, every role we recruit to plays its part in making our city:
- Thriving and Sustainable: vibrant with a cutting-edge economy, which involves and fairly rewards all our people
- Highly Skilled: work-ready, well-educated young people, and all residents supported to take up opportunities
- Progressive and Equitable: so all can thrive, with better joined-up support, care and health services
- Liveable and Zero-Carbon: safe, enjoyable neighbourhoods with affordable housing; zero-carbon by 2038 using green energy, growth and design, and more climate-resilience
- Connected: more walking, cycling and green transport, and accessible digital technology used by and working for everyone.
Manchester today
Manchester’s come a long way, but we’ve still got deep-set challenges that will take great talent, determination and innovation to tackle:
- Health: Mancunians have some of the UK’s poorest health.
- Poverty: An estimated 45,150 under-16s living in poverty in 2019.
- Fair economy: A gap remains between what residents earn and the earnings of all working in our city, and too many residents are in insecure employment.
- Affordable housing: We’ve committed to delivering 32,000 new homes by 2025.
- Climate change: We declared a ‘climate emergency’ in July 2019 and aim to be zero-carbon by 2038 at the latest.
These are huge challenges. That’s why we’re building a workforce fit to face them – putting people first; listening, learning and responding; recognising individuals’ and communities’ strengths; and working together to build the relationships and create the conversations to make our ambitions for the city happen.

Political Composition:
The city council is composed of 96 councillors, three for each of the 32 electoral wards of Manchester. The council is controlled by the Labour Party and led by Bev Craig.
- 71 Labour
- 16 Labour Co-Operative
- 4 Lib Dem
- 3 Green Party
- 1 Independent
- 1 Longsight Workers Party of Britain
Council Structure
Manchester City Council is led by interim Chief Executive, Eamonn Boylan.
Manchester City Council has 96 Council seats, with three council seats in each of the 32 wards.
The organisation is split into 5 directorates:
Children and Education which focuses on the integration of services to children and families with other public services in neighbourhoods, connecting people to the opportunities of growth and reducing dependency through driving the reform of public services.
Neighbourhoods which has responsibility for driving new opportunities for commercial, residential and other related development across the city, encouraging new investment and development and increasing employment opportunities for local residents.
Corporate Core cover a wide range of areas and services which help drive the Our Manchester Strategy for the city, and the Corporate Plan that articulates the Council’s priorities for delivery. The directorate consists of several services which include; Customer Contact Centre, Revenues and Benefits, Shared Service Centre, Capital Programme Delivery, Financial Management, Human Resources and Organisational Development (HR/OD), Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Internal Audit, Health and Safety and Risk, Policy, Performance and Reform Procurement and Commissioning, Strategic Communications, Registrars and Coroners, Elections, Governance Team and Legal teams.
Growth and Development has a pivotal role in securing new commercial development, attracting inward investment and securing employment growth, along with providing leadership to the Council’s Housing function. The Directorate also has responsibility for the management of the City Council’s land and property assets.
Adult Social Services is responsible for the discharge of statutory functions to vulnerable adults across the city. It is also one of the Directorates with a focus on driving forward the integration agenda for Health and Social Care across the Manchester Locality with the purpose of increasing independence for individuals through integrated community based services and strength based working.