Hello, I’m Cordelle Ofori, Director of Public Health. I’m delighted that you are interested in the Assistant Director of Public Health positions.
Manchester is a great place to live and work, defined by its diversity, vibrancy and creativity. It is known for its rapid economic growth and regeneration, culture, sports, and academic excellence that attracts visitors from all over the world. It is also known as a City of Sanctuary, with many people migrating here specifically to seek refuge and safety.
I love the city for its strong sense of pride, ambition, and commitment to making a difference that you see in multiple agencies, communities, and sectors across the city. Despite the complex and challenging social circumstances that lead to poorer health for many of the city’s residents – there are lots of opportunities to drive improvements forward.
Making Manchester Fairer – the city’s flagship policy to address health inequalities- is an organisational and political priority. The work to advance equity and inclusion is gradually being embedded across all policies. Significant regeneration is taking place in some of the most disadvantaged parts of the city with strong partnerships to improve broader outcomes for residents. It really is an exciting time for the right public health professional to work with leaders across the system to ensure these opportunities have a positive impact on population health.
You can hear me speaking to our recruitment agency about the two roles in the video clip below.
If you are (or are about to be) a registered Consultant in Public Health/Public Health Medicine who is passionate about partnership working and involving communities to tackle health inequalities in Manchester, I would love to hear from you. Please contact Emily Thompson-Nicholls if you would like to have an informal conversation with me about the role.
I look forward to your interest and learning more about you.
The Department of Public Health at Manchester City Council
The department is based at Manchester City Council and works closely with the NHS as part of Manchester Integrated Care Partnership. It focuses on working together with a range of partners through the development of strategies, policies, work programmes and commissioning of services to improve the health of the population of Manchester, protect them from threats to their health; prevent and mitigate risks to support better health outcomes; and create the conditions in society and the environment that lead to better health. This work is done using the best available evidence, data and insight.
The work of the department is currently split into four thematic areas of responsibility supported by a number of core functions including a specialist knowledge and intelligence team. The thematic areas are, Health Improvement and Wellbeing, Health Care Public Health and Prevention, Health Protection and Healthy Environments, and Population Health Integration and Health Care Equity. The latter has an integrated team with the Manchester Locality Team for NHS Greater Manchester (Manchester Integrated Care Partnership) including the Integrated NHS and MCC Equality Diversity Inclusion and Engagement Function. The department also works closely with the Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO) to ensure the development and delivery of public and population health functions of the MLCO are enhanced.
The Director of Public Health (DPH) reports directly to the Chief Executive of the City Council, is a key member of the Council’s Senior Management team and the local leadership team under the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (ICS) place-based arrangements. There are four Assistant Directors of Public Health that each lead a thematic area of responsibility, and a Joint Director of Equality and Engagement with responsibility for integrated approach to equalities, engagement and inclusion. The team is therefore uniquely positioned to influence and enable partnership working and resources for the benefit of population health and tackling inequalities.
Manchester Locality Plan/Manchester Partnership Board
Public Health Annual Reports
Adults and Older People Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Please see the following links and documents:
- Adults with complex lives
- Air Quality
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Cancer
- Carers Health
- Diabetes
- Disabled People (Social Model Disability)
- End of Life Care
- Faith and Health
- Falls
- Fuel Poverty
- Homelessness & Health
- LGBT Health
- MHCC Migration Masterclass
- Refugees & Migrant Groups
- Refugees & Migrant Groups Supplementary Evidence
- Respiratory Disease
- Sexual Health
- Suicide Prevention
- Work & Health
Children and Young People Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- 16-18 year olds NEET
- Breastfeeding
- Care Leavers
- Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
- Childhood Obesity
- Children of Prisoners
- Children with SEND
- Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Early Help Offer inc Families at Risk
- Eating Disorders
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Immunisation Programmes
- Infant Mortality
- Looked After Children
- Maternity
- Neglect
- Oral Health
- Physical Activity & Fitness
- Pregnant Teenagers & Teenage Parents
- Safeguarding Children’s Social Care
- Sexual Health
- Smoking & Pregnancy
- The Local Context
- Conceptions
- Unintentional Childhood Injuries
- Wider Determinants of Health
- Young Carers
- Young LGBT People
- Young Offenders